Sunday 25 March 2012

Question 5: How did you attact/address your audience?

Question 5 - How did you attact/address your audience?

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  1. I can see that you need to develop your response to Qu 5.

    Well done for evaluating any feedback you get this is important.

    Appeal: Characters which the target audience demographic can identify with; the use of suspense in the tracking shots, the closeups will position the audience with the character; the over the should shot of the stalker heightens the sense of menace and anticipates a violent act; the cliff hanger is appealing because the audience will be left wondering what is it the young man is look at? And interestingly the young man is looking straight at the audience as if he is accusing them.

    Sound also an attraction.
    Audiences also view films inter textually so audiences who enjoy gritty British thrillers like...... will be expecting from a thriller film, a sense of dread, suspense, good versus evil, a mystery which needs unravelling, cliff hangers. You need to explain how your film fulfills audience expectations of a thriller.

  2. Thank you for your feedback, I have implied your suggestions for my final edit/copy.
