Something Local - Epic Studios
In recent 'local' news, "Epic Studios" in Norwich, Norfolk, has been bought by the company "Extreme Video" owned by Jonathan Thursby.
I'm creating this post because I briefly mentioned that I did work experience at Epic Studios in one of My previous posts called "Media Questionnaire". This was for the G321 Preliminary Task. This post can be reviewed HERE.
I'm labeling this post into "G332B Film Industry" as it is about two media companies and changing ownership, whereas G321 Thriller Research or other labels would feel inappropriate.
Here is the only possible evidence I can find at the moment of my placement:
Note (click for a larger view):
Here is my response (on left).
Even through the image of the email on the left says that the "dates" that I "requested" where "unavailable". Helen kindly offered if any alternative dates where available. I then asked for April 12th -16th (2010). Epic Studios kindly accepted my placement afterwards.
Note (click for a larger view):

Here is my response (on left).
Even through the image of the email on the left says that the "dates" that I "requested" where "unavailable". Helen kindly offered if any alternative dates where available. I then asked for April 12th -16th (2010). Epic Studios kindly accepted my placement afterwards.
The following bullet points explain more detailed background information about the great times I had while working at Epic Studios during April 2010 (12th -16th), which is not previously mentioned or just briefly mentioned in the questionnaire:
- I had the pleasure of meeting David Hazel, his wife Helen Hazel and the rest of 'the gang'. David is the Manager, however, I'm not sure if his role has or will continue from my times at Epic Studio.
- Throughout the week I used many different skills such as listening, suggesting ideas and razing opinions about a new TV program in production. This was very useful to them as the show was targeted at my age range. David personally said that my thoughts where very useful because they're from a teenager’s point of view.
- Interesting fact:
While on a tour of the studios, David told me that if all of the stage lights, in only one of their studios where turned on at full power, that the energy used would burn a whole rainforest. (No information about the actual size, but I remember this purely from memory).
- I helped by 'sweeping' one of the studio's floor for a set to be put up the following day. I also helped by setting up the set. The 'builders' and I created a time lapse video with one of their cameras to prove that they're doing their job. This was a very interesting incite into the production work of sets. We had a great time while setting up the set. We pretended to be 'robots' for a little while because then the time lapse video will capture these comical movements. I learnt that media production is not just serious, but also a fun and exciting area to work.
The set which we put up was for the upcoming "Frank Skinner’s Opinionated" to air on BBC 2 from 25th March 2011.
- On Wednesday, Myself and David moved a piece of technical equipment to the BBC Studios in the Forum.
- On Thursday we filmed a "Mark Wells" at County Hall.
- On my last day, we filmed auditions. These where for being presenter's for an Internet fashion competition called "Event Dog". David and I moved and set up a camera for the auditions. David then showed me how to use and set up an 'Alto-Q' and the phase "Hello World".
Eventdog bringing a blend of live internet TV, direct from Epic Studios in Norwich. Using and supporting new local talent within music and fashion. - Eventdog, Twitter.
#Information/sources from word docs and various emails.
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