Saturday 25 February 2012

Second Edit to "Opening to a New Thriller Film"

Second Edit to "Opening to a New Thriller Film"

The video below is my version of editing of my group's "Opening to a New Thriller Film". This is our second edit so far. This edit includes our most recent shots that include the snow.

I plan to add more titles and effects, such as video transitions to finalise this version of my edit. There are a number of cuts which are to be made as the 'snow' scene felt as if it has just been put into the opening to make it longer. Prehaps I could add titles between each shot to make it look more dramatic and professional.


  1. We discussed this edit in class and I thought the snow shots a little out of tune with the rest of the action. Nevertheless they are effective shots which if the film were to be developed into a feature film could be included later in the narrative.
    The cliffhanger needs to be emphasised in order to ram in the horror of the event.

  2. To continued from my last post, the attack is too fast and the scrabbling around in the leaves confusing. I'd suggest you endeavour to shoot the attack again, don't rush to shots and try the attack from various angles in order to give yourself more choice during the edit. You've met the deadline so a little more time to get the cliff hanger just right is important.

  3. Yes, we have talked about the edit. This edit above is the one before we talked and I'm uploading this one to show process and possible cuts and changes which could and can improve our opening. I currently have no actess to the internet at home due to a BT area network failure. I'm using school computers at the moment. Please stand by for this information to be posted. Hence the "to be continued".
