Tuesday 3 January 2012

Revisiting Shot List - Focus On Camera Shots + Movement

Revisiting Our Shot List:
"Get To The Point" - Camera Angles and Movement

In this post, I will be revisiting Mine and James's idea by specifically looking at camera shots and movement. We have edited a few and also added in some extra camera angles to make the opening far more interesting.

The "Opening to our Thriller Film (Idea 3): Final Concept + Shot list" can be viewed HERE.

  • Shot 1:
    Low angle tilt of vanishing point. Victim walks towards vanishing point after entering the scene. Then suddenly, another pair of feet enter the scene. This will occur when the victim is walking down the pathway.
  • Shot 2:
    Tracking shot of victim. Victim walks down pathway with trees either side. Tracking shot is similar to the opening scene of "Jackie Brown (1997)", or even the opening to "Kill Bill Vol.1" when Bill's feet enter the scene.
  • Shot 3:
    Close up of victim finishing walking from vanishing point - Much like the ending scene of "The Third Man" (1949).
  • Shot 4:
    Pan shot of victim going towards an old, rusty, abandoned container.
  • Shot 5:
    Close up of victim taking a phone out of their pocket.
  • Shot 5/6:
    Close up of Victim dialing numbers to call someone.
  • Shot 7:
    Over the shoulder shot of mysterious figure watching victim talking on phone.
  • Shot 8:
    Close up of victim's face. Hand enters the scene, smashes victims head against the container. (As mentioned in "Opening to our Thriller Film idea 3......" careful editing and acting will be used to avoid any damage to the container or hurt any actors.)
  • Shot 9: (Optional ending)
    Worms eye view/Low Angle shot from the point of view of the victim laying on the ground. Camera shows the mysterious figure as an "almost" silhouette figure who is looking down at victim.
  • Shot 10:
    Film cuts dramatically and titles appear. Just like how they appear in the Animal Kingdom trailer.


  1. When watching the Danish political drama "Borgen" last night there was a clip where a news reporter gets a mysterious phone call to meet somebody by some containers. There were some great panning shots, noir lighting with a blue tint. It reminded me of your planned production. If I can find the clip on the BBC i-player I'll save it.

  2. It's on BBC I-Player. It's in the BBC4 section. I'm watching the episode now. I'll try taking a look on Youtube too for this clip. With the technology we have today, it's more then likely it'll be uploaded within a days notice. If you can save it, it'll help myself and James a lot. Thanks!
